Cigars and whisky (ey) have gone hand in hand for ages. Nothing compares to enjoying a perfect cigar along with a great glass of whisky. Whether you choose a bourbon, Tennessee whiskey, or Scotch, there’s always the glass and the cigar that you will choose as your go-to.
Here are a few great whisky and whiskey choices to pair with your cigar next time:
- Buffalo Trace – Buffalo Trace is not the most popular brand of Kentucky bourbon, but it comes from a long history of award winning whiskeys. Some of their well known brands include Blanton’s, George T Stagg, Eagle Rare and the legendary Pappy Van Winkle. Buffalo Trace is a less expensive choice without skipping on quality. Try this bourbon neat with your cigar from Mr. G’s Cigar and Tobacco Shoppe.
- The Glenlivet 21 Year Old Archive – Scotch that has been aged 12 years is delicious already, but the Glenlivet 21 Year Old Archive will have you never looking back. It comes from hand selected casks and has a rich, complex flavor. Save this bottle for a special occasion with an equally special cigar.
- Four Roses Small Batch Bourbon – Four Roses is another bourbon distiller you may not have heard of, but they are quickly making their name across the country with whiskey drinkers. The Small Batch is extremely affordable and delicious as well. This can easily be paired with your every day go-to cigar as well as serving to your friends on a special occasion.
- The Glenrothes Select Reserve – This will quickly become one of your favorite Scotch distilleries on the planet. Our friends from across the pond have come up with a delicious whisky to accompany a fine cigar. The Scotch is complex in flavor and very smooth. Pair this whisky with one of your favorite Maduro’s.
- Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Tennessee Whiskey – Jack is basically bourbon with a few extra steps thrown into the mix. While the recipes differ from a mere 1% of corn used in the mash (Bourbon is 79% and Tennessee Whiskey is 80% corn,) the extra steps made through the painfully slow process of dropping their whiskey through firmly packed charcoal gives Jack that extra smoothness. Enjoy this whiskey with an equally smooth cigar on a cool, fall night.
There you have it. Five whisky (or whiskey) bottles that you need to try with a cigar today.
What are your favorite cigars to pair with whisky (ey)? Leave a comment!
2 Responses
Mr. G – I too recommend Buffalo Trace – a fine bourbon with distinctive flavor..
Buffalo Trace is commonly overlooked for such a great bourbon. Most whiskey drinkers do not realize how far their family of award winning bourbons reaches. Great folks too. Connect with them on Facebook and Twitter. They’re great at reaching out and informing. They’re also on my list of distilleries to visit one day.