Whether you are new to smoking cigars or a seasoned veteran, there are many advantages to buying cigars from your local cigar shop. While the internet has brought us many amazing things, such as the ability to connect with each other, some important things that come with buying cigars seem to be lost when purchasing over the internet. We believe that there are just some characteristics unique to buying your cigars in a local cigar shop that just aren’t worth passing up.
Advantages of Purchasing from Your Local Cigar Shop
Here are a few of our favorite reasons for buying your cigars from your local shop versus buying from an online retailer.
- You’re supporting your local economy.
- You receive personalized customer service. Ask your local cigar merchant about different blends, brands, and more.
- Buy a variety of cigars at a time. At our cigar shop in Woodstock, Georgia, we offer discounts for cigar smokers that want to try a variety of cigars rather than commit to an entire box of the same stick. If you’re new to cigar smoking, this is a must. Try different cigars and find which ones you like most. Chances are that you won’t just fall in love with one.
- Enjoy your cigars immediately when you purchase them from your local shop. If you plan on buying multiple boxes, your local shop can get a fresh shipment in typically faster than an online retailer.
- When you buy from a local cigar shop, you get the opportunity to see and feel the actual product. You don’t need to worry about what you’re actually getting like you would from an online retailer.
- Join the community of cigar smokers at your local shop. Your brick and mortar cigar shops generally keep a group of local cigar enthusiasts that come by for an after work smoke, or to watch football on Saturdays and Sundays. Meet up with like minded people and enjoy fresh cigars.
- If price is the only issue, talk to your local cigar shop owner.
- Hangout with Mr. G
Support your local economy, enjoy the community, and enjoy a more personal cigar experience when you buy from your neighborhood cigar shop.