Ever since the Spanish made the cigar a worldwide phenomenon, our Western culture has revered the cigar as a symbol of celebration. We celebrate with cigars because of a few different reasons. Whether you are an occasional or regular cigar smoker, there are always special occasions to pass out a few sticks:
- Weddings – Celebrating with a cigar at a wedding is one of the more traditional occasions to smoke with friends and family.
- Becoming a Father – It is tradition for a new father to pass around cigars. The birth of a baby is a monumental event, worthy of celebrating with a cigar.
- Financial Success and Accomplishments – News jobs, promotions, and major financial accomplishments are great opportunities to grab a few friends a celebrate with cigars.
- Holidays – The Fourth of July, New Years Eve, and Memorial Day are traditional cigar smoking occasions. Don’t forget about enjoying a cigar after your Thanksgiving dinner, though.
Those are just a few examples of occasions that call for a celebratory cigar. We choose to celebrate with cigars because they have been a symbol of accomplishment, bonding, gratitude, friendship, relaxation, and appreciation for years.
We have the largest selection of premium cigars in Woodstock, Georgia for your upcoming special occasion. Don’t be the one to forget the cigars.
What is your favorite special occasion to enjoy a cigar? Why do you celebrate? Leave a comment!