It’s time to shake off those winter blues and get ready for some summer vacation! If you plan on traveling this summer, I would imagine that you would like to bring a few cigars along the way as well. Traveling with cigars doesn’t have to be a headache. In this posts, there are a few suggestions for getting your cigars from A to B in one piece, without compromising the quality of your smoke while on vacation.
One of the first problems you need to solve before traveling with your cigars is figuring out what you are going to use for transporting them. If you’re going on a road trip, you might be able to get away with a plastic ziplock bag and a humidifier. Other, safer ways of transporting your cigars include a travel humidor, tubos (cigars that are packed in tubes), and cigar cases. Travel humidors are ideal in most situations. Tubos are a great option if you want to bring a cigar or two with you. If you plan on enjoying more for over a few days, it’s not a very practical solution. If you plan on smoking throughout the day, a tasteful option is to invest in a leather cigar case. The important thing to remember is to only carry what you plan to smoke, and you must return any extras to your humidor immediately after returning home that night.
Once you have figured out how you want to travel with your cigars, you need to pick which sticks you are bringing along for the ride. It’s important to carefully plan this out in advance as to not bring too much of your at home stock on the trip with you, potentially damaging the cigars you did not smoke. For example, if you plan on going on a weekend trip to the lake, don’t pack 50 cigars, and only plan on smoking 3 to 5 of them. When selecting your cigars to bring, choose the ones that have been stored in your humidor for the longest period of time.
Everyone enjoys a few tips and tricks of their own when it comes to traveling with their cigars. Leave a comment with some of your own to share with the rest of our community!